Many of you are wondering what you are doing wrong that despite hard training and full commitment to career development, you are not making the intended progress, what is holding you back?
Very often, the people who surround them have a key role in the development of a young footballer, because it is the people of your environment that can be a brake on your career!
What kind of people should you avoid if you want to develop and succeed in football?
The most destructive scourge among people is complaining about their fate while doing nothing to change it for the better!
If you have big dreams and goals, you want to develop, and at the same time you find yourself in the environment of complaining people, you must leave them as soon as possible, because if you do not do this, sooner or later you will adopt their habits, which will destroy your career, because instead of working you will complain and look for an explanation why you don't do what you wanted by blaming other people and complaining!
If you have people in your environment who criticize others in order to offend them, even though they themselves do nothing good and are not an example worth imitating, give up this relationship because this is probably the element that is holding you back.
Remember that not all criticism is bad because often thanks to creative criticism you will be able to develop and improve your weaknesses.
Learn to distinguish between negative and constructive criticism.
Remember that in the football environment you can meet a lot of people who are lying.
They are agents, trainers, but also others.
If you are dealing with people who are not honest with you, you must end this relationship because it will not get you anywhere!
Remember that honesty is the basis of any cooperation, and when there is no honesty, you must end such cooperation as soon as possible.
Sports psychologists working with the best footballers in the world say that the books you read, the content you absorb into your mind and the work you do now, and above all the environment you live in, will decide where your career will be in 5 years.
It is worth analyzing your acquaintances today and thinking about which relationships are leading you up and which are pulling you down!
Robert Lewandowski, when someone in his presence tries to complain, criticize or lie, first asks if he can help this person somehow, and if not, he withdraws not to listen to it because he knows that such conversations affect him badly.
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In addition, write in the comment, the people described in which point is the most in your environment?