Zlatan Ibrahimović once said: The most difficult part of my career was the very beginning because when I talked about my plans to become one of the best players in the world in the future, he was told that he should adjust and not look too far into the future.
Zlatan just listened to these opinions and then followed his path to being great that he set out for himself.
He said that the most important thing for him was that he believed in his success and the opinion of others was irrelevant.
According to Zlatan, it was this mind-set devoid of artificial modesty and full of courage that led him to such enormous success!
We would like the words of one of the best strikers of the 21st century to help you understand that no matter how talented you are, you will always face the doubts and opinions of other people at the beginning, which will try to convince you that you are without a chance, and your dreams are stupid!
So if you believe in your skills enough to give your best football career, then don't wait for the perfect moment because it will never show up, don't ask for permission from everyone around and just take the first most important step!
First, register on our portal and add all the videos of your matches and training sessions you have and then make an additional training today and post a recording of it on the portal!
Below is a simple training video that you can do with just the ball and some space.
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