In the first moment when you decide that you would like to become more than just an amateur, you feel the excitement and strength that makes you think you can do anything.
After a while, however, when all this seems more difficult than you thought at first, doubts and a familiar feeling called fear begin to appear.
You start to feel lonely, insecure, and doubts multiply in your head.
You start to be afraid of what others will think of you.
You start to fear failure.
You start to fear that you're not good enough!
These are the thoughts that start to dominate your mind!
Most people under their influence usually give up and give up on their dreams!
However, there is a small part of people who feel fear, but despite the fear, they take the next step, go to training, give their best in every aspect and take constant risks to develop!
With the passing of time, it will turn out that this fear suddenly disappeared and they, thanks to their consistency in action and tenacity despite failures, are consistently approaching the goal!
Will you succumb to fear or try to overcome it?
Write in a comment did you also have to struggle with fear?