From the age of 7, he got up at 5 am every day to work in the fields with his father and brothers. For 4 hours he helped them collect melons, peaches and onions so that the family had money to survive. Then he left for school at 9 am and returned to work with his father upon his return.
In every moment when he was free from work, he trained football because he dreamed of becoming a footballer in the future.
Moreover, at the end of the day, despite his exhaustion, he went to the pitch to play football with his friends.
His family was so poor that until the age of 13 he slept on a concrete hard bed and would wake up every day with tremendous back pain.
Despite these difficulties, his dreams of playing world-class soccer never faded away!
At 14, he finally left his family to try his luck at the profesional football at the Bahia club. He had difficulties adjusting to life in the city then, and the boy from the countryside did not fit in with the city.
He was ridiculed and couldn't find himself, he cried many times, but he didn't give up because he believed that thanks to football, his family would finally be able to stop working hard and everyone could start living normally!
This amazing boy was Dani Alves, one of the best right-backs in the history of the Brazilian national team, a player of FC Barcelona, Juventus and PSG.
By reading this story you can see that it doesn't matter how you start and how big obstacles you have in front of you!
The key is to stay optimistic after all, not to give up and to work hard every day!