For years, scientists have wondered how it is possible that, both in football and in other areas of life, some people manage to achieve success, while others, unfortunately, have to accept failure.
The conclusion is that, as we have written many times, persistent, wise and hard work is important.
Learn from mistakes etc.
However, an aspect that hardly anyone pays attention to, and which is very important and often decisive for the final success, is that a player aspiring to a great career will find a mentor and inspiration among people who have already achieved success. This inspiration will allow him to develop skills following the example of a mentor, and also allow him to deal with difficulties that arise on the career path!
Therefore, very often in our articles there are threads about players who have already achieved success.
This is to show you that not only you have to deal with difficulties such as poverty, repeated rejection by clubs or fighting with yourself and constantly overcoming your own weaknesses in order to have higher and higher skills.
When your mentor is a footballer playing in the same position as you, you can choose his best and most effective field licks and literally copy them or even tweak them to achieve even more than at the end of your career.
This way you can speed up the development process and achieve results much faster than if you did not have a mentor.
Best of all, you don't even have to meet your mentor in person.
All you need to do is observe his game closely while watching matches, you can also read his biography, interviews, etc., But most importantly, then you need to transfer this knowledge to your game during training and matches.
As it turns out, the best footballers also had their mentors.
Cristiano Ronaldo also took his seemingly unique and unique way of performing free kicks from his mentor, the Brazilian Cesar Prates, with whom Cristiano had the opportunity to play in Sporting for a year at the beginning of his career.
In addition, that's why it so often happens that the children of titled footballers also become footballers and have successful careers because their father also automatically becomes a mentor and inspiration.
Write in the comment who is your inspiration and mentor and what you learned from him.