As it turns out, many of you, even though you follow us every day, still have the same problem!
There is only one way to change this.
Start focusing on the journey and start enjoying it!
Then the goal will appear at the most unexpected moment!
Instead of constantly thinking only about the money you will earn in football or the fame you will gain, start enjoying every opportunity to play and train football again!
Start focusing on the joy that football gives you and that each day will make you a better player without constantly focusing only on the future!
As you know, when you wait for something, the time seems to be long and when you wait a few days you feel like you have been waiting for several months.
If you focus only on success and what will happen in the future instead of enjoying the development process, waiting will kill your motivation, determination and love for football.
Instead, you will feel discouraged and frustrated, which will cause you to give up sooner or later.
If you want to avoid this, enjoy every day and enjoy the development process!
I'm sure this little tip can lead you to success!
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