We receive a lot of messages from you that you start to get tired of training at home, because the exercises are repeated and you slowly start to get bored.
We have good information for you!
Paradoxically, it may turn out that this break will be good for you and you will still benefit from the fact that you will repeat the same exercises very often!
Two such sports legends Kobe Bryant and Bruce Lee were guided by the principle that it is better to master fewer elements, but to absolute perfection than to have more at a medium level.
Bruce Lee said: He is not a dangerous man who has ten thousand beats in his stock, I'm much more afraid of an opponent who has trained one kick ten thousand times!
Kobe Bryant was asked why sometimes after a few hours I train one simple throw?
Bryant replied that he did it so that at the decisive moment under the opponent's pressure and time pressure, this simple throw was made as perfectly as now in training.
If you ever want to be as famous in football as these two key characters in your sports, don't worry about the monotony of training, just strive for perfection!
Today we have another portion of your workout from the "Ball Mastery!"
Work hard and the results will come!