Raphinha, whom the whole world is talking about today after Barcelona's great victories over Bayern and Real, had to overcome more obstacles than you think before he reached the top of the football world!
No one gave him anything for free, no one helped him by taking him by the hand to Barcelona!
He was born in a poor district of Porto Alegre called Restinga.
Every day from morning to evening he played barefoot without football shoes until he ran out of strength!
Football was his only hope for a better life for him and his family.
When he was 15 and wanted to join the club, he was constantly told that he was too small, too weak and simply not suitable.
Clubs such as Internacional and Gremio rejected him after only a few weeks of testing.
However, he did not give up and trained constantly every day.
There was such poverty in his house that after training he would stop on the street and beg for food!
When he managed to join the Avai club only at the age of 18, he quickly suffered an injury and fell out of favor with the coach, and when he returned, no one gave him a chance.
He wanted to give up!
However, his mother, who always believed in him, said that the bad times would pass and if he gave up, there would be no second chance.
From that moment on, Raphinha treated every training as the most important and started training again from morning to evening!
Well, it worked and my mother was right, the bad times passed and it turned out to be worth it because today, at the age of 28, he is at the top!
Where do you think Raphinha would be today if he had given up at the age of 18?
Probably far from football because, as he says, football saved my life!
Let this story be another proof for you that difficulties and failures in life have a purpose and are there to strengthen you, not break you!
Do you think you can be like Raphinha?
If so, you're right, you can, but remember that he trained all day long to be ready for the opportunity that came?
Is this how you train?
If so, leave me a photo or video showing your training today in the comments and tell me what club and what level you are at now.