A first quarter of 2022 will be over in a few days!
Many of you contacted us at the beginning of the year asking for training advice, more motivation and articles that will help improve your mind and, of course, help in finding a club in the future, because due to the New Year's resolutions you wanted to finally start working at 100% and give my best to raise your career to a professional level.
So, after nearly 4 months of the new year, my question is: How is your progress and your New Year's resolution?
You persevered or maybe you gave up after a few days?
Did you develop your weaknesses as you promised?
Did you train individually?
Did you make a video to show us the yours skills provided?
Have you joined your local club to play or are you still waiting for an offer to come from a big club?
As Satatistics says, probably 99 percent of you gave up on your New Year's decisions after a few days!
For us, this is absolutely no problem, because we care about one percent of players who have really big dreams and work hard to make them come true and used the last 4 months for development!
If you belong to this small group who are constantly acting in accordance with their new year decisions and you can show us a videos that documents this period, we will be very happy to provide you with private consultation and full support in the development process!
Write a comment under this post and we will verify it and if the information about your hard work during this period is confirmed, we will contact you.
As you probably saw in previous posts, an increasing number of portal users establish cooperation with agencies, are observed by clubs or sign contracts with clubs and go for tests to have a chance to show their skills!
That is why it is worth working hard and using the portal, but we will not deal with and waste time on people who only talk instead of develop!
Thank you and we are extremely grateful for every share, like and comment.
In this way, each of you is a co-creator of the portal and its user at the same time!
It is mainly thanks to the most active users that the portal is growing so fast and can support talented players more and more!
If you want to help, you can share it and like it