It's October 9th and there are two and a half months left until the end of the year.
Do you remember in January when you promised yourself that this would be your year?
Do you remember how you planned to train every day?
Do you remember wondering what elements of your football skills you would improve?
Remember how you said you would record daily training to see your progress at the end of the year?
And where the fuck is all this?
How many of these plans have you implemented?
If the awareness of time passing and the disappearing chance to realize your football dreams does not motivate you to get off your ass and develop, nothing will!
You lost your chance!
What are you waiting for? If you think that an offer from Manchester City will fall out of the sky and Pep Guardiola will send you an invitation to sign a contract, you will be fucking disappointed!
Nothing like that will happen!
No one will come to save you and lead you to success by hand!
If you don't move and show the world that you deserve it, nothing will happen!
It is your hard work and determination that is the only chance!
The world of football needs you, but only if you give it great value and show that your skills are unique!
If you still haven't started, it may turn out that your time has passed because there is someone who has been working for several years while you are just talking!
The decision is yours !