If you are looking for motivation to develop, train or fulfill your dreams, you won't find anything better today!
Many of you are probably sitting at home right now thinking that you have no chance, that everything is gone and you should give up!
A mistake, because you will soon realize that you should never give up and you ALWAYS have to fight until the end!
Sebastian Haller, right after his transfer to Borussia Dortmund, heard information from the doctor that sounded like a death sentence!
He had cancer!
Everyone around said that if he managed to beat cancer, he would never return to football.
However, he was convinced in his mind and soul that he would come back and sooner than everyone thought!
To everyone's surprise, he was back in the game after half a year.
And a year and a half later, yesterday he celebrated the title of African champion with the Ivory Coast!
The history is so amazing that after the group stage, Côte d'Ivoire won only 1 match, including losing 4-0 to Equatorial Guinea.
they fired the coach and then, together with the assistant as coach, they won all the next matches and became champions!
These two stories show that no matter how difficult the situation is, you should always fight until the very end and believe in success!
So get up and fight as long as you have the strength!
You never know if success is waiting for you somewhere close!
Thanks for reading to the end!
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