At the moment, when we have to be at home and training with the team or going out to the pitch is practically impossible, we have for you a set of exercises that if you do every day will help you keep fit to return to the pitch.
Professional players in most teams around the world have received similar sets!
Wojciech Szczęsny goalkeeper of Juventus Turin said that footballers are also required to record these individual training sessions in order to assess the correctness and current form of players.
If your goal is to play at the highest professional level and steadily progress in your career, we recommend training despite quarantine to make steady progress and avoid backlog.
If you want to speed up your career development process, a good psychological trick is to set an ambitious goal and behave as if it had already been achieved.
In short, if you want to be a top-class professional, train now and have habits like world football stars.
Below is a set of exercises if you would like someone to verify the correctness of the implementation add a movie to the portal and contact us and we will be happy to help!