The path to success in every field, not only football, is extremely complicated and requires a lot of effort!
Today we have a 6-ingredient formula for you on the website which, if you use it correctly, may prove crucial on your way to success!
Self-confidence, what exactly is it?
It is the complete belief that even if you fail, nothing will actually break you!
Regardless of whether it is about testing for a better club or taking responsibility for the team's result in a difficult moment, or even the risk of getting involved in something more.
You must be convinced that even if you fail, nothing will happen to you!
No matter who you are or how much you have achieved, there will be someone who will criticize you. Learn to ignore it!
Don't believe in luck, but believe in hard daily work.
There is no magic formula that will speed it up!
Work every day without any shortcuts!
If you are not patient, you have already lost!
First you work hard and nothing happens, then something happens and then everything happens at once!
But first you have to persevere, you have to believe and work when everyone else dismisses you!
If you are not ready to devote yourself to what you want to achieve, at some point it will turn out that only disappointments await you!
Everything has a price and you either commit yourself fully to your goal or don't even start
Many of you have absolutely everything to achieve success in football, but you lack consistency!
You start and then after a short time when there is no effect, you simply give up!
Without consistent hard work and development, you will never achieve anything greater!
Motivation is good for a while!
Discipline is key to success!
You won't always feel like training, the training won't always be pleasant, and everything won't always go well.
However, you still have to do your job consistently!
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