Many players who are at the beginning of their careers after a few losses and rejections have moments when they begin to feel that they have no influence on anything and do not control anything, and their careers are plunging into total hype.
What to do then and what to focus on to get out of this bad period?
The way to do this is to focus on a few of the most crucial aspects and just ignore the rest.
Don't analyze or let negative thoughts into your mind because such thoughts usually start failure.
Build faith in your ultimate success by feeding your mind with positive and good motivating content.
Smile and enjoy every positive aspect in life.
Read books and watch movies that motivate and build a positive attitude.
Understand that any failure is part of the process of achieving success.
Many people stop training due to failure and remain idle, which simply wastes time.
Regardless of whether you are failing or successful, you can never stop training.
Training should always be part of your daily routine!
Your training is something that, depending on whether you win or lose, you can control, change and adapt to the situation so that it helps you develop!
Sometimes, at difficult times in your career, when things don't go your way, the best thing to do is to go to training and do your job so that you don't have time for negative thoughts.
Sometimes it is good to eat something that is delicious but not entirely healthy, but it is very important to have it under control.
People in the periods of their lives when they struggle with failure and struggle with adversities tend to skip the diet and eat whatever is tasty to improve their mood, which usually leads to excess weight and decline in form.
Control it and fight with yourself let professionalism be your lifestyle all the time!
Many players make a mistake because they mindlessly sign a contract with managerial agencies and then do not control the agency's work process.
After signing the contract with the agency, it is worth meeting the manager from time to time to plan your career development together and get to know the offers and other aspects of the work that the agency does for you and present your requirements and plans to them.
A good example that an agent's job is worth keeping under control is Chelsea goalkeeper Edouard Mendy, whose inept agent nearly destroyed his career.
Mendy said that after kicking him out of Cherbourg, France, his agent assured him that he was looking for a club for him and that all was going well, then disappeared after a year without explanation, leaving the goalkeeper without a club.
Finally, a very important aspect is what kind of people are around you.
If you want to achieve great success, try to surround yourself with ambitious people and those who have already achieved this success!
Thanks to this, you will take over their habits and skills.
However, when you are constantly in the company of unambitious people and those who are on a very low level, with time your ambitions and attitude will be the same!
Therefore, work on what you can control and ignore what is not under your control and at some point you will notice that it is only you who create your reality