Sometimes it seems to us that we have already taken care of everything, but we do not have the expected results.
Why is it like that ?
Today you will learn 5 things that will probably hold you back and destroy your potential, and if you can deal with them, you will be shocked by the effects to come!
The appropriate training process is the key to developing football skills.
The fact that you are currently at the career stage that involves playing and training in an amateur club does not mean that you have to train like an amateur.
If your goal is to become a professional footballer soon, you MUST TRAIN LIKE A PROFESSIONAL NOW.
Do you train 3 times a week in an amateur club?
Ok, but also train 3 times individually.
The intensity and level of training is not satisfactory?
Make sure that your individual trainings are like that.
Nobody in the club follows a sporty lifestyle?
OK they are amateurs but you are not so you go your way.
You really want to train individually, you really want to make videos to show your skills to the world, you really want to go to a good club for tests, right?
But you don't do it because what will happen when your fellow family and people from your town judge you, laugh at you and criticize you?
Do you know what will happen?
For a while they will talk and laugh but when you are successful they will admire you and ask for your autograph and behind your back they will be proud to know you!
You work very hard on each dish and you feel that your skills go up.
Nevertheless, you are afraid to take the risk and take the first serious step.
You explain to yourself that this is not a good time to buy a ticket and go to the tests, you are explaining to yourself that today you are not ready to show your video on the Internet.
Do you know what it is really like?
You can buy a ticket and go, and even if you fail, it will not destroy your budget and you will survive.
You can add a video and nothing big will happen.
However, you are stopped by the fact that these actions are connected with the fact that someone will judge you and the assessment may be negative.
Remember, even if the judgment and verification of your skills will be negative, you will learn at least what you are missing and what you need to improve.
What if everything works out and you take a step forward forever?
Don't be afraid to take a chance because all your successes are on the other side of the fear.
When your talent suddenly begins to develop and you show your skills, everything changes.
When you were training alone and you were not doing well, no one was with you.
Then suddenly, when everything starts to fall into place, everyone wants to help you.
Are you sure they want to help you?
Or maybe they want to help themselves?
Not every agent or broker is bad remember.
However, before you decide to choose an agent or broker, verify it thoroughly.
What's the best way?
Find out as much as possible about him and when the opinions are good, suggest that he will earn money only when he settles the offer, never pay earlier and do not sign a power of attorney.
When time is passing and there are no offers, just walk away.
Once you find someone you trust who can do a good job for you, be loyal to them.
This is probably the biggest problem for most people, not just footballers.
You start training and after a month you want great results, and when they are gone you suddenly change methods or give up.
You are trying to promote yourself on tests or on the Internet and you expect the results the first time.
Do you know what is the most interesting?
Your lack of patience is due to the fact that usually your only motivation is money, and when it is not there, you give up very quickly.
You must learn to enjoy the development process. Let every training, match, little improvement of skills in some aspect or anything else be fun and a cause for joy for you, and the effects will appear in an unexpected moment.
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The source of the photo is the website of the Oskar Przysucha club.
In the photo of Gibi Embalo, one of the players who, with the support of the portal, is developing his career.